PC2 displays wheel as thrustmaster?

Hi have looked through other topics etc but as of yet havnt come across an answer. My setup is V2.5 base V3 pedals F1 v2 rim The current firmware I'm running is : PC driver 347 Wb fw - 664 Wbm fw - 22 Sw fw - 28 My issue is that when on Project cars 2 (Xbox one) in controller settings it recognises my wheel setup as a thrustmaster. Now although I don't believe I get any problems from it I also wouldn't know as it's never displayed I have a fanatec wheel. Does anyone have any advice on this at all? All help appreciated and thank you in advance Regards Darrell


  • Remco Van DijkRemco Van Dijk Member, Administrator
    Probably with an older wheel base firmware the game will recognize it as a Fanatec wheel. The problem is that the game isn't updated but the hardware is, so if the game would need a new SDK to be able to recognize the hardware with the latest firmware, it will 'break'. Luckily, regarding the basic functions and FFB it won't make much difference, if at all, but any new functionality won't be used by the game (which in case of the CSW v2.5 won't be much I guess).
  • Darrell UptonDarrell Upton Member
    edited October 2019
    Probably with an older wheel base firmware the game will recognize it as a Fanatec wheel. The problem is that the game isn't updated but the hardware is, so if the game would need a new SDK to be able to recognize the hardware with the latest firmware, it will 'break'. Luckily, regarding the basic functions and FFB it won't make much difference, if at all, but any new functionality won't be used by the game (which in case of the CSW v2.5 won't be much I guess).
    Thank you for this, appreciate your time.
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