F1 Podium Hand-control

Is it possible to use the analog paddles on the F1 Podium wheel as gas and brake? If so then how? I'm total noob when it comes to wheels. I'm also wheelchair user and my legs are deader than dead. So many wheels out there but none that offer full analog gas and brake using your hands. Would like to use this wheel on PS4 for GT Sport, PC2, F1 2020. Any tips and advice would be most welcome.



  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    Yes, just change the APM Mode in the Tuning Menu to Brake + Throttle.

  • Yes, just turn the center knob with a, b, c and d setting. It should show in the oled screen what the setting is. One of them is gas + brake.

  • Thanks. Knew it was something simple I was missing.

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