Formula V2 thumb encoders

The torque required to rotate the  thumb encoders is too light.

In racing, I often accidentally rotate the thumb encoders and change settings that I don't want to.

At the moment I had to disable the two  thumb encoders.

Is there a way to make them stiffer?

PS: the encoders aren't damaged or loose.


  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    This is normal and there is no way to stiffen them.

    I personally do not mal anything important to them because of that issue.

  • From a hi-end rim such as this I didn't expected such an issue... these encoreds are pretty useless

  • You can stiffen up the encoders. Pull the knob off, it just pulls off but does take some force. Slide an o-ring over the shaft of the knob and reinstall the knob. The friction of the o-ring against the knob will make the encoder harder to turn. I hated how easy the encoders were to turn, and this simple mod worked great.

  • Thanks, I will try : )

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