Fanalab on Windows 8?

Hola all

I have a question regarding the DD1 (PS4 whit F1wheel), V3 pedals and shifter software.

I see people are using Fanalab to update the wheelbase, and make different settings for the Fanatec DD1 setup.

I wonder if Fanalab is possible to download and use on a 5 year old laptop whit Windows 8 64bit?

I only have that a Mac right now, will get a new pc when the 3000 series GPU are out.

Can anyone please give me a link to the correct software to use on my Windows 8 I would really appreciate it.

Also, if I cant use Fanalab on my laptop, do the wheel still work on my PS4 straight from the box, or is fanalab a must even playing on ps4 only?

Thanks for any reply/help

Cheers Kenneth


  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    FanaLab and the most recent required drivers are Win 10 only.

  • Update

    I found the Fanalab 1.23 beta, and the Fanatec wheel property page, both is now downloaded and unpacked whit 7zip, but when I try to open Fanalab I get a message telling me to: "Please install Driver Package V352 or higher".

    The Fanatec wheel property just shows "controller and status" since I dont have the wheel connected yet.

    My wheel is getting here tomorrow, and its a birthday present so I want to make sure all is in order ;)

    Can anyone please help me find a link to the Driver Package V352 or higher, so I can connect the wheel and use Fanalab?

    A link whit simple instructions on how to unpack the drivers correct would be a ton of help.

    Thanks again guys

    Cheers Kenneth

  • Ahh…So no chance to use Fanalab on Win 8 at all?

    Will I be ok whiteout it for a few months, and use it from the box on a Ps4 pro at least?

    Or do I need Fanalab to get started?

    Like I said, I will get a new PC in end of sept, and will use my PS4 pro the first 2-3 months.

    Thanks for the reply mate.

  • FanaLab is optional, and only works on PC.

    We recommend that you check for firmware updates on all hardware for use on PS4. This can only be done on a Windows PC by installing the Fanatec Driver (which contains all firmware for every product). However, the product should work out of the box on PS4. Windows 8 is not officially supported, but the drivers may still install there. FanaLab may also work on Windows 8, but again, it's not officially supported.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Thanks

    I actually managed to download Fanalab and the drivers so it seem to work on my Win 8 laptop, won't know for sure until I get the wheel, but the site is starting up now, so looks promising.

    If not all is good if the DD1 works on ps4 out of the box, she will get a PC in a couple of months, whit Win 10 so its just for a short while ;)


  • So? Where is the video of the birthday girl unboxing her present? 😇

    I don't know in which part the smile is going to be bigger.... While unboxing or while driving it... 🙃

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