Shipped or Pré-shipped ?

Hi , i would like to know if people have the same issue,

I got an email from Suddath Global Logistics Thursday July 9th

who said my package was shipped via USPS international,

but since, with the tracking numbers it says ''pre-shipment USPS awaiting item''

A friend of mine who ordered the same fanatec items, same day, said it's already arrived to custody

and Suddath Global Logistics confirm to me that my packages have left the building since the 9th

can it be just a tracking problem ? Some of you had the same problem ?



  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    It is most likely circulating with the USPS system and can often move without a scan or update happening.


  • edited July 2020

    The label was created so now it’s on usps to go pickup things and where it doesn’t belong to fanatec anymore. So it’s by scanning the item you gonna have update by now

  • In my experience the packages sat in LA in either USPS or the Fanatac warehouse for a very long time without moving (30 days) .

    I ordered May 29th all in stock ready to ship, got the tracking numbers from Suddath on June 1st.

    1st package arrived June 29th, I received regular tracking updates once it started to move, but it was crickets before that, no communication, no response from Fanatec, or if they did it was 7-14 days out of date and completely inaccurate, and both post offices are useless at providing additional info if you actually get them on the phone.

    2nd package notification today it cleared Customs in TO, and now processed for delivery est July 21 (previous update was departed LA July 10th, so I had no idea it arrived in Canada yet)

    3rd package has been with customs since the July 14th (it also departed LA on the 10th, scanned in Detroit on the 10th, scanned in TO on the 11th, and then presented to customs where it still sits)

    So my best case delivery timeline from Fanatac US to just outside Toronto Canada is June 1st - July 21st. Sorry man.

    I think the post offices are overwhelmed with package shipments and there is not enough commercial air travel to move those packages in a reasonable time frame. So packages are piling up in regional centres, or not even being picked up. The problem will continue to get worse as more people shift to online orders and less air travel.

    If I were a business leader at Fanatec I would stop using USPS and switch to FEDEX or UPS for shipments to Canada because they have there own aircraft and can provide the service Fanatec customers expect, the added cost is irrelevant when you consider the average dollar value most people are checking out with. But I am not sure customer service is really a priority at this company, regardless of the token statement on the website, their internal business processes do not seem to meet that objective in many others areas within their control.

    It will be interesting to see if any recent Canadian customers have had a shorter delivery experience, unfortunately for us a vehicle to cross the border seems to be the primary issue.

  • To add to what Jeff said it also going to depend on what city your packages come in for customs. I’ve had packages sitting in the cue for customs in Vancouver since June 28th and according to Canada post they are that backloged there it may take a month before customs even looks at them. I hope this isn’t the case for you

  • Thanks for your reply , much appreciate !

    I was expecting a long wait, but my friend who already have his package in customs gave me hope ! I'll work on my patience

  • I have received no shipping information from Fanatec or Suddath Global Logistics. A few days ago I received an email from FexEx telling me I have 10 packages coming from Suddath Global Logistics and I should receive them next Wednesday. I am in Michigan.

  • 3 months I ordered products 

    10 days my order is in pre shipment

    It’s a shame 

    Fanatec is definitely the worst company I never seen 


    July 8, 2020 at 4:46 pm

    Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item

    LA MIRADA, CA 90638 

    Fabrice - Québec Canada

  • I received the second package today, it was the pedals, so the last package I am waiting for is the drive, which is still in customs in TO as far as I can tell.

    Canada post has been pretty quick to deliver after the customs clearance first package was 4 days, 2nd was next day.

  • Looks like our race is going to come down to the wire to see who gets all 3 packages first! All 3 of mine were cleared by customs in BC this afternoon

  • its in the hands of my pit crew

  • How do you know that the packages were cleared by customs, did they email you? usps or canada post?

  • You can use your USPS tracking number with Canada post package tracking and then request notifications as the package is progressively scanned. Below is the notification after customs. USPS tracking can also provide notifications. Both have phone apps that can provide updates as well.

    My last package the wheel base is still stuck at customs, its the heaviest so for an inspector possibly last choice if he has other options to look at 😪.

    You may get a scan that looks like your package left LA but in reality it is waiting to be picked up. My packages sat in LA of 30 Days, you can see below the same scan that occurred on June 3 occurred again July 7, and finally moved to LAX on the 12th, and arrived at customs on the 14th. Coincidently I wrote a long complaint on the forum on July 6th "Order shipped? But has not moved for 33 days? That's not shipping, that's sitting"

    So when you receive your tracking numbers, it does not necessarily mean they are on their way to Canada, they are labelled and ready for pickup, or the labels are created and waiting to be put on actual boxes to be picked up. Not sure which. Also Fanatec responded by email in mid June that packages were with Canada customs and I should have them shortly, when they actually had not left LA so the response they provide is BS. They do not care until you complain by every possible channel. Their customer service is the worst I have ever experienced.

    Good luck with tracking your order. If you just recently ordered it may be a good idea to cross a task off the honey do list well you have time on your hands ... bank some sim race time for the future. I got the front porch painted 😍

  • Mine sat in Vancouver for 3 weeks in the customs que before they looked at them on Friday. I guess they are that back logged out there. 2 of my 3 packages got to Edmonton today. My pakages didn’t have a scan for 3 weeks untill Friday to be honest I never had confirmation that they were in the que for those 3 weeks has to Canada posts word for it

  • I finally had news on my tracking !

    1package is in canada, another in Los angeles airport ... and the third still in pré-shipement !!😅

  • My last package just cleared customs but I was notified by Can Post that I have to Pay $80 Duty. There was not duty on the first two packages so I was not expecting to pay on the last one, which is the wheel base. I paid it online immediately to avoid any more delays but yet another unexpected turn of events in what will go down as my worst online purchasing experience of all time.

    Anyone else in Canada have to pay duty on on their shipments? Is duty on wheel bases only maybe? When I ordered I was left with impression that VAT had been accounted for.

  • I got my first two. My last one. (V2 wheel) will be here tomorrow I had $34.50 of duty on each item. It was very delayed to tell me I had to pay duty as well

  • 🏳️ White flag is out, I just got notification my wheel base will be here tomorrow. I may have a time zone advantage for the checkered flag 🏁

  • order date May,15th

    I received it yesterday August 3rd ... very Worst experience I never had ! thank you Fanatec custumer service

    For information for canadians custumers, I paid 210 CAD duty (Québec) for 2 wheels and a wheel base)

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