First and last time

I have been waiting for a few days now for a message or e-mail or something that my order has been processed ... but no, absolutely nothing. Its a lot of money but I can't even get a confirmation email. I am starting to worry about where my money is. and the credibility of this company. this was the first time I ordered from Fanatec and probably also the last time.......

Order (1113803)


  • Hi Rodin,

    It looks like your order was placed on Thursday using the bank transfer option. This payment method can take the longest to process.

    You were already sent a confirmation email about the order. There is currently no system in place that sends out a second email to confirm when a bank transfer has been received, but it is something that we want to implement.

    Once the money has been received, the order processing will continue and you will be sent another mail letting you know that your order is being prepared for shipment.

    Once it has shipped, you will receive a third mail with tracking information, provided by our shipping partner.

    I can see the messages you sent on Saturday to the sales team on the system. As it states in the automated reply you should have received, it is taking an average of 7 working days for the sales team to respond to enquiries. If the items you ordered are all in stock, it is possible that they will ship before the sales team is able to respond to your questions, but that also depends on the speed of the bank transfer.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

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