Shipping Restriction to Puerto Rico that was non-existant a few months ago


I'm looking to buy my first Fanatec Setup. I live in Puerto Rico and I was eyeing the parts for a while. But now that I went to finalize my purchase, all of a sudden, it says they don't ship to my "country". This warning wasn't there a few months ago. Seeing that Puerto Rico is part of the US as a non-incorporated territory (a.k.a. a legal colony), and we get both UPS and FedEx over here... I'm wondering why the flying redacted does Fanatec US suddenly not ship here. Can any member of Staff please tell me the reason and what can be done about it? Thanks.


  • Did it say that today? There was an issue with the North American webstore a few days ago and it was saying that for /everyone/.

  • Ok I checked just now and don't get that - maybe ping support and see if this is a mistake. Maybe when they had that issue last week someone reset it to US only and didn't realize it was open to US territories.

  • I'll try calling them tomorrow unless there's another way to contact them, as I haven't bought it yet

  • I can't find them on the phone. I did read something about the website having a direct chat option but I can't find it, do you know anything about it?

  • This is being investigated.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Hey there. Thanks for getting back on this issue. I just noticed today that Puerto Rico completely disappeared from the address options. Just wanted to let you know, as an update... I don't know what is happening, but I really want to be able to buy my first wheel off you guys, I've heard many great things from Fanatec, but I don't wanna have to give up on it due to a technicality. :<

  • Hi Steph,

    We've just tested this and it should be working.

    Please could you try again?

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Thanks for the help. I managed to put in the order for my wheel Bundle! It's been sitting on the status of "your order has been processed" for a long while now, but I'd expect the shipping to Puerto Rico to take a long time anyways. I would like to know if a Tracking Number will be available soon though. Thanks again for the help!

  • Hey Steph, saludos, espero que estes bien y disculpa que te hable sin conocerte. Soy de PR tambien y llevo tiempo ya con ganas de comprarme un fanatec, pero los malos reviews de algunas personas aqui en el foro, me asusta bastante. Mas tu sabes que nosotros en Puerto Rico, siempre tenemos algun problema con el shipping, cosa que me tenia mas preocupado. Pero ahora sabiendo que eres de PR y veo como te resolvieron, me siento mas tranquilo. Yo estoy esperando hasta Diciembre a ver si sacan algo nuevo, si no, me compro uno de los que ya tienen.

    Estaria duro si me cuentas como ha sido la experiencia hasta ahora😅y luego mantenernos en contacto por aqui o alguna red social, para ver como funciono todo, seria buen feedback. Yo voy a usarlo con consolas, si tu tambien lo haras, me avisas y te añado en play o xbox.

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