Universal hub xbox buttons not working

I have csw v2.5 with universal hub xbox forza motor sport wheel

The buttons are not working

Only B and A

It was working and suddenly it stopped

Latest update is installed


  • Sorry the buttons are

    B ( right down side)


    X ( left down side)

    The rest are not functioning

    Is there a way to enable them maybe??

    Checked the inside and all pins of quick realease are ok

  • edited July 2020

    Read known issues of V365, your problem is listed.

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    If you install a beta driver, please ALWAYS have a look at the known issues.

    Its a known Firmware issue of the Firmware included in Beta Driver 365.

    Go back to Driver 347 (not 356 or 352 as those have a broken Drift Mode on CSW) and Downgrade the Base Firmware back to 662, then your issue is fixed.

  • Thanks a lot

    How could i downgrade those

    it said faild, you have newr version

    Appreciate any tips

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    Just click okay or Yes you want to downgrade or whatever the popup is showing as it gives you the option to still downgrade. THen just click connect and flash firmware, thats it. ^^

  • Did not work that way.. I uninstalled the driver package and install the old version 347 👍🏻

    But what about the base

  • Nkw it says you must install v352 or higher

    Cant open fanalab

  • Done

    Pc driver 347

    WB FW 664

    not 662 it loaded it automatically

    But now cant calibrate the wheel 😓

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    That's correct. You need at least driver 352 for the most recent FanaLab version. However, that drivers have a broken drift mode for CSW.

    You need FanaLab 1.12 to go with driver 347.

  • Ok calibrated it through fanatec wheel properties

    Buttons back to normal

    Will give it a try in drifting to check it

    Thanks all 🌹

  • Done

    Fanalab 1.12 👍🏻

  • Drifting in v365 is better in my opinion

    Drifting in v 347 With base v 664.. Is o.k.. Not smooth as newer one

    But buttons are all working 👍🏻

    Need to adjust my hand and muscles to get used to it

    Unless somebody got wheel and in game settjng which makes the feel looks real and better

    Thanks ✌🏻

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