Sticker Set feedback

I wasn't quite sure if I should open a support case for this given how busy fanatec is right now.

I ordered two sets of those sticker buttons and am a little disappointed - the included numbered stickers are 1-9.

My main reason for ordering the stickers was to label all the buttons on the wheel with the numbers that show up in game. My goal was to have a wheel where every button face had the number I'd see in game.

If anyone from Fanatic sees this, please provide feedback to the product team that at least one customer wants to number all his buttons, but there aren't enough numbers.

If I only played one game, I'm sure the symbols would work out great, but I switch between a bunch of games - with the main genres being racing sims and truck sims - the buttons needed between those two types of sims are so different that it doesn't make sense to use symbols - most of them would be wrong half the time...

If there's ever a chance at a 'v2' sticker set, please include the numbers 1-36.


  • Feedback noted.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • It would also be nice to have 2 of each sheet.

    I'd be willing to pay more (for an already expensive product considering its some plastic and stickers) for extra stickers of each sheet. I'm glad I ordered the extra set for the the 2020 LE rim because when you first get them, you have no idea how they're going to look color scheme wise so I ended up having to use the stickers that came with the rim and the extra stickers from the Button Cap set because it's pretty much 1 time use.

    They stick great but if I wanted to change the nob for ERS and Fuel Mix i would have to buy another sticker pack.

  • And don't forget about stickers for XBOX. At the moment it only has stickers for Playstation.

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