Fanatec Beta Driver V352/356 [DD Performance Update] for Podium Bases ONLY (all steering wheels)



  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester
  • I was curious if he wants to use the BME for example. This doesn't work with driver package 346. That's why I asked.

  • edited May 2020

    I have the CSL Elite PS4 and tryed the 356 driver.The wheelbase firmware was updated. It works so far whithout any issues .The only Thing that worry me ,is the Fan that only spinns for some seconds when the base is Switching on ,and not when i Play.I fear that the Motor could be damaged by overheating,so i downgrade the wheelbase whith 347 driver . The Fan behaves normal and spinns after some minutes of playing . Is this behavior normal for the 356 driver whith the updated Firmware?

  • Drivers 352/356 only are for the Podium Bases Martin. Driver 347 is the best way to go atm for you :)

  • So you cant use this driver on csl elite+? Can someone from fanatec answer this? And if you cant use this, what you recommend?

  • Brett PickardBrett Pickard Member
    edited May 2020

    It’s says in thread headline podium bases only. DD1 and DD2 only. There’s no one from Fanatec about anymore.

  •  There’s no one from Fanatec about anymore.

    Please there is no need for an unnecessary drama. I know it's not easy, but please be patient and wait.

  • I’ve been waiting over 6 months for a stable driver that’s works with all the features promised on the dd2 sales page. Not sure how patient I’m supposed to be.

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester
    edited May 2020

    Then go with driver 346. it has all the features promised on the dd2 sales page and works perfectly fine.

    the new beta drivers are just performance updates which further improve the experience, but it’s additional and all promised features are already included in driver 346.

  • 346 has jolts on FFB measurement graph screen. It's steel the best I've tried., but not perfect as it should be and not compatible with last Fanalab version.

    It would be more constructive to fix all bugs before adding new fonctions.

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    You are the first and only one I remember who reports to have Jolts on driver 346 with included firmwares...

    But, of course I am sure behind the doors Fanatec is hard at work trying to do exactly what you suggest: fixing things.

  • edited May 2020

    As I said before, only with ONE of the graph screens, don't know why, in my opinion it appeared when I tried to upgrade to newer firmware and downgrade. Tried different times, so I stay in this way not using the graph.

    When I first mention the problem of jolts with graph screens, fanatec told me that I was the first one, then RMA, then "ok we managed to reproduce the incident". But 5 month later, problem not solved. There is something wrong in this. I don't say they do not try to solve, but either ressources are not here or organization must be improved.

    PS : Nice the sparco champion on your hub. No way to install the center emblema ?

  • Stephane YverStephane Yver Member
    edited May 2020

    346 does not work perfectly fine. If it were it would not be in beta.

    there are issues with it which have been reported here.

  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    But it still has all promised features. Nothing is missing.

    And if you go that route, driver 335, which is labeled as stable driver, has even more issues than 346 just because it's older and by nature 346 already fixed lots of broken things if the stable 335 driver. So of course 346 isn't perfect, but it's better and more stable than anything else available and it contains all promised features from the DD2 sale page.

  • Speak for yourself, I have more issues with 346 than with 335. I am talking complete loss of all steering wheel functions on my formula V2.

  • Interesting is that I have the same problem in the driver 356 (DD2 base), my steering wheel formula V2 stops working completely depending on the bump of the track or angle that I turn, it freezes and the vibration motor locks in operation, rim freeze.

    Worse is the support wanting to send base and steering wheel, with Podium Hub and steering wheel R300 everything works perfectly.

  • I have been on 346 since its release and it isn't perfect, I get occasional freezes when I turn my wheelbase on, jolts on the data screens and occasional disconnects in game. It is the best of a bad bunch to be honest.

  • Dmitry VolskyDmitry Volsky Member
    edited May 2020

    Good afternoon!

    First of all, I want to thank the Fanatek team for the work that they do for us! This is a great job you do! And personally, I understand all your difficulties and problems that you work with every day!

    Friends - all those who have products from Fanatek, you must understand that the guys from Fanatek have been working with Direct Drive for only a year! and their competitors on this product for several years! Yes, I understand disappointment, frustration, resentment, pain ... when your product does not work or does not work correctly, but I am sure that the whole Fanatek and Thomas team experiences this pain. I am sure that they are doing everything possible to make your product better!

    I can say that no one writes on the forum here, that everything is good and everything works for everyone - everyone writes only bad, but I can tell you my experience!

    I used fanatek dd1 version for pc. I tried all the drivers and everything worked well - I have all the wheels, and I had no problems including Fanalab 1.24. I played all the games that are! and it was a fantastic experience!

    two weeks ago I sold my equipment completely! and now I'm buying a new one! - my budget for the construction of a new cockpit is 10,000 euros - for this money I can choose any equipment! but you know I chose Fanatek again! why?

    because these guys make the best product and bring it to the end!

    Yes, I read this forum and I'm scared) that I may have problems too - but I believe in them! And believe me, I have more problems than many of you, because I live in Russia and Fanatek still does not sell to us in Russia and I have no chance to use their guarantee - because it is very difficult!

    but I still chose Fanatek!

    The only thing I see is the problem in organizing this forum, because everything is in one heap - and it is very difficult to find information on beta drivers.

    I recommend Fanatek to change the approach and divide topics into topics for DD2, DD1 PC, DD1 PS4, Club Sport 2.5 - this will help you manage the situation, and users will help each other - communication in such things is very important! and it turns out you sometimes answer the same questions several times - and look at 35-36 pages of unnecessary information when the user is offended, angry - this only adds negativity to you and others! Think about it! If you are doing beta tests on users who are consciously doing this, then simply solve this problem and it will be easier!

    Moreover, I am sure that among the community you can find moderators of their sections who could help you!

    and of course your forum is not very convenient! it’s very difficult sometimes to share something and leave a photo! - Take an example with a - this is the ideal forum! in my opinion - thanks!

    In any case, I want to once again thank you and wish you patience and strength in order to finish what you started in the best way!

    PS: In conclusion, I want to ask the Administrator Maurice or Marcel to help me:

    1. where can I find information that if I install DD1 PS4, drivers 356 or 365 on my new base — while I update the base firmware and the motor firmware — how can I correctly roll back to the driver, to the base firmware, to Motor firmware - back to standard version? I will be very grateful!

    2. is there an opportunity if something happens to me with the base then how can I send it to you for repair from Russia?


  • When I set the clutch bite point on my podium paddles is the value at which the bite point set suppose to show when I have both paddles pulled in? Previously (other firmware) If I set the bite at lets say 35% and I pulled both in it would display 100%. Then if I released one paddle it would display 35%. Now once I set it to 35% it just always shows 35% even if I have both pulled in. Is this working as intended or a bug?

    Off topic here, why is new beta firmware being released not following the protocol this forum used in the past of posting them in the PINNED topic that ask us to STAR the topic to follow it for UPDATES? Renaming a topic for a new release beta is just strange to me and I don't get why Fanatec no longer follows some rules they put in place. I've complained about this before. Please use your system, it helps me know when you release new beta firmware. I'm not trying to be a pest here and normally I would not hunt for beta drivers like I have been but the fact Fanatec hasn't released a stable updated firmware for the DD for over a year now is concerning to me.

    Thank you

  • Hey guys, is this firmware and drivers still good to update to now or are there newer and better firmware and drivers now?

  • I have to say Chad that I totally agree. The forum is a shambles. People are paying hundreds to thousands of readies for this kit only to find that the forum is being operated in a very unprofessional manner. Why can't the software apps and firmware versions be contained in ONE place on the forum. Why do we have to search for them?

  • I'm sorry but I don't get...

    If you open Beta Driver's, all driver's are listed by order of most recent, what's the difficulty?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester

    Hi everyone,

    there is a newer driver 365 in the following thread, please use that one instead and continue the discussion there. I will close the discussion here so it doesn't get too scattered around.

This discussion has been closed.