CSW B V2 discount reduction



  • Richard,
    I assume you were dissapointed that you did not receive your code so far as you were not in the first wave of invites. I gave you a code now so you can still purchase the base with the full discount.

    We basically need to reduce the discount the closer we come to the release date and the shorter the waiting time is. I think this is just fair and with the full discount we wanted to show our appreciation for old and existing customers of us. Of course we also appreciate that you are now a new customer but the basic idea of the whole invite system was to reward old customers and not to get new customers.
    Okay, that's fine, but when I viewed my discount code it said my code expires 2014-10-11 and the discount price was $499 US. Now, after I've taken some time to think about it (it's not a light purchase!) the discount is 25% less than what it was. How is that fair? You gave me a week to decide and then jerked around with the price?
  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    Did you ever buy an airline ticket? They give you just minutes to decide
    And then you don't pay 5% more, you pay double.  ;)

    And we told everybody in advance what we will do.

    Hey, it is still a good deal. You get a great product at a great price. Even at the full price, this price performance will be hard to beat.
  • Did you ever buy an airline ticket? They give you just minutes to decide
    And then you don't pay 5% more, you pay double.  ;)

    And we told everybody in advance what we will do.

    Hey, it is still a good deal. You get a great product at a great price. Even at the full price, this price performance will be hard to beat.
    Sir, you did not tell me in advance that the discount would reduce before my code expires.


    Where, in that email, did you say such?

    Additionally, this is not an air line ticket. You sent me a code that is tied to a discount. I agree that the price is fair for the product. I just think it is rather shady to not be upfront about how the code works. All details about the code should have been communicated in the emails.
  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    Where do you see anything in the text of your e-mails that the invite code is related in any way to a discount or even promises or guarantees any discount?

    The code enables you to purchase the product and as we do not want to send too much information by e-mails we make public announcements on the blog on which you are posting now. You had the chance to order in time with the full discount while many others did not even receive their invite code yet and they are not complaining.
  • edited October 2014
    neuer Code ist da - vielen Dank
  • ~sigh~ I only found this thread after looking through the support links to try and find information about the discount change. A forum, or blog, is not, in my opinion, a clear way to convey details like this. It's like hiding the information.

    You established email as the source of information when you proactively (thank you) sent an email letting us know to expect the code. In that email, you said:

    "The community is super excited about this wheel, and not only will you be among the first to get your hands on this revolutionary racing wheel base, you will also benefit from a big, pre-order discount!"

    Clearly "big" is a relative term, and the discount I have used still qualifies. What I am saying is that the volatility of the discount should have been made more transparent. If not by stating such in the email telling me my code was available, then by a note in the profile page where the code was viewable.

    This is called constructive criticism. Use it to better your business practices in the future.
  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    Wir werden es sicherlich nie allen recht machen können ausser wir verschenken unsere Produkte :)

    Wer den Kauf dieses Lenkrads vom Vorbestellerrabatt abhängig macht, der kauft das falsche Produkt. So jemand ist mit dem Pad sicher besser bedient.

    Die ganze Aufregung wird sich legen sobald die ersten Wheels ausgeliefert worden sind und die Produkte ohne Invite Codes einfach ab Lager verfügbar sind. Bis dahin wird es Leute geben die sich beschweren wil sie bestellt haben aber so lange warten, oder zu teuer gekauft haben oder noch gar keinen Code haben oder vergessen haben den Code zu verlängern oder oder oder. So ist das halt.
  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    This is called constructive criticism. Use it to better your business practices in the future.
    Well noted. Thanks.
  • > Thomas Jackermeier > Wir werden es sicherlich nie allen recht machen können ausser wir verschenken unsere Produkte :) Wer den Kauf dieses Lenkrads vom Vorbestellerrabatt abhängig macht, der kauft das falsche Produkt. So jemand ist mit dem Pad sicher besser bedient. Die ganze Aufregung wird sich legen sobald die ersten Wheels ausgeliefert worden sind und die Produkte ohne Invite Codes einfach ab Lager verfügbar sind. Bis dahin wird es Leute geben die sich beschweren wil sie bestellt haben aber so lange warten, oder zu teuer gekauft haben oder noch gar keinen Code haben oder vergessen haben den Code zu verlängern oder oder oder. So ist das halt.

    Even to me the code has expired before the date stated and I could not buy the V2 base and wheels. 
    Yesterday I contacted your support and they sent me a new code, but it's too late. too late. Reading the forum, this has happened to many other people, I begin to suffer that it was all a ploy studied theoretically. 

    I'm sorry, but the base of the trade there is transparency and unfortunately in this case has failed. 

    You have every right to change the cards on the table, and we can do the same thing and decided to spend our money elsewhere, for example in a direct-drive. 

    If we are not to renew the code, we are responsible for, but if you are disabled before the deadline, NO. 

    Why not do like all companies, saying (for example) from day 10 until day 30, the price is 499.95. After increase of € 25 every 20 days. 

    Best regards and good work.

  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    We have now changed the wordig of the notification e-mail to make it more clear on what day the code expires. Anybody who had a problem because of that, will get a new code.

    We cannot say when we will increase the price as it is not clear when we will have enough inventory to sell with no waiting time. This depends on the amount of orders. We can only give a code to enable the purchase and offer you the chance to buy it.
  • edited October 2014
  • So, after reading through these posts am I now to assume that ONLY previous customers of the CSW V1 and CSR-E are eligible for the full $/€100 discount and that all other customers (regardless of their purchases) are to receive a lesser discount? 

    This was never made clear in the original CSW V2 thread:   http://www.fanatec.com/forum/discussion/137/the-clubsport-wheel-base-v2-servo-power-and-multi-platform/p1

    The implication in bullet point '1. By Invitation Only' in that thread is that only the invites will be prioritised for the biggest customers (which is perfectly fair), but not the discount. Nowhere does it imply that the discount will be reduced as the priority decreases. Maybe if this had been made clearer then everyone would not be quite so confused/upset. 

    As I have stated before in another post, Fanatec products are second to none compared to the competition, but it is easy to see why the company repeatedly attracts criticism.

  • Wollte gestern eine Basis kaufen mit meinen Code. Ging aber mit Paypal nicht wegen einen Fehler. Also warten bis meine Frau heute kommt damit ich mit Kreditkarte zahle. Und was sehe ich ? Anderer Preis. Unfair aber Pech für mich und Pech für euch. Einen Stammkunde habt ihr jetzt weniger ;)
  • Also ich schreibe echt selten etwas...aber im moment übertreibt Ihr alle maßlos.
    Thomas hätte die Wheels auch direkt für 599 verkaufen können...natürlich wären dann auch wieder die Mauler aufgetaucht, zu teuer und und und, aber es hätte die Diskussionen um den DiscountPreis nicht gegeben und die Aufschreie wären nicht so groß gewesen.

    Statt zu zu sehen, das auch mal Stamm und Bestandskunden unterstützt oder bevorzugt werden, gibt es für Thomas (Fanatec) in allem was, oder wie Sie es machen, immer nur ein Schlag in die Fresse...und mit jedem weiteren Schritt den Sie tuen, noch ein Schlag hinterher...

    Ich möchte den ein oder anderen von Euch mal ein Unternehmen führen sehen.

    Und wenn Neukunden bis jetzt noch niemals auf Fanatec aufmerksam geworden sind, oder sich bis jetzt absolut nicht drum geschert haben (ev. andere Produkte benutzt haben), warum sollte Fanatec dann den Umstieg mit finanzieren..

    Naja euch gehört die Bühne nun zerreißt mich in der Luft ;)



  • Gleiches gilt für mich ... laut Mail hätte mein Code bis morgen gelten sollen... Da ich mir erst vor etwa 3 Monaten die V1 gekauft hatte, wollte ich zwar noch etwas zuwarten bis mehr zur Konsolen-Kompatibilität klar ist und dafür dachte ich seien auch die Verlängerungen geeignet, aber ich hätte trotzdem die V2 gekauft, auch natürlich weil der urspünglich angebotene Discount mir fair und das Produkt entsprechend interessant erschien. Nun wird ohne dass man je - außerhalb dieses Forums/Blogs oder gar in den Info-/Ankündigungs-Mails - etwas dazu hätte lesen können, der Discount schrittweise abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit des Produktes zurückgefahren. Was ursprünglich gedacht war, um "loyale Kunden" zu belohnen erweist sich für mich nun nur als Köder, um möglichst rasch die Auftragsbücher zu füllen und wenn das gelungen ist, kann man offenbar die Zügel gegenüber den Nicht-sofort-Vorbestellern getrost anziehen, denn der Rubel rollt ja und so wird der Bestelldruck vielleicht auch noch gesteigert. Sorry, wenn Ihr meine Einschätzung Eurer generösen Haltung gegenüber nun ungerecht findet, ich als Kunde komme mir aber höflich gesagt veralbert und ein Stück weit getäuscht vor. Transparente Kundenkommunkation geht jedenfalls aus meiner Sicht und Erwarungshaltung anders. Ich hoffe, dass meine V1 nun möglichst lange hält, denn von einer Vorbestellung ins Blaue hinein oder gar der definitiv geplanten Erweiterung meines Equipments - ja, ich hätte zusammen mit der V2 sogar ein weiteres Rim plus Shifter gekauft - werde ich nämlich nun auch absehen.
  • Looking for a US code, if anybody would like to share one my email is     tylerpeebles48@gmail.com  Thanks
  • Ich checke täglich die News, aber es gibt immer noch nichts zur PS4...
    Das hält mich bisher einzig vom Kauf zurück, also bitte sagt endlich was dazu ;)
  • Ich finde es gut das eine Firma es mal belohnt das man ein treuer Kunde ist und auch die ganzen Rabatte und Aktionen sind sehr gut gemacht. Klar ist das ganze ein Lernprozess und man kann es eh nicht jedem Recht machen das wird immer so bleiben. Macht einfach weiter so. :)
  • What an odd business model ... "we want to honor the loyalty of our existing customers"?
    ... And therefore I assume Endor AG has no interest in attracting NEW customers and building their brand and reputation ?
    Perhaps it is my fault for discovering what appears to be a World class product that unless you had it before , you can't get ?
    I guess ignorance truely is bliss .... for all those lucky people who don't know they can't have one and don't realise when they order from Thrustmaster to get the best product that IS actually available to the general public ! Or I hand over a LOT of cash buying bits that are no use until I can get a BASE !
    A non Fanatec customer ( through no fault of my own .... )
    p.s. I just 'love' the video review with the piles of product boxes in the background and his boast of having BOTH wheelbase versions .. ( I assume for free due to his reviews ....? )
  • I am basically upgrading for xbox one support, but the wheel is not yet announced. I don't want to pay extra to get it sooner if the XB1 wheel won't be released anyways.
  • Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
    Machen wir :)

    Es war halt eine falsche Annahme von manchen, dass der Dscount ewig gilt aber am liebsten hätte ich heute schon reichlich Lenkräder auf Lager und dann gäbe es gar keinen Discount mehr. Und wir haben immer gesagt, dass der Discount nur bis zur Verfügbarkeit gilt.

    Und alle wären trotzdem happy denn die nervige Warterei hätte ein Ende. ;)
  • @Thomas
    Any idea when the next round of codes will be sent?
  • Hello, some one want to sell invitation code for CSW Base V2? Please contact me elbowman777@hotmail.com. Mark.
  • Kev GostelowKev Gostelow Member
    edited October 2014
    some one want to sell invitation code for CSW Base V2?

    Please don't encourage this, i have heard reports some are already selling codes for a high price. Please excercise some patience and wait for the supply of Fanatec products to be greater than the demand. I hate it when greed tries to extort.

  • Remco Van DijkRemco Van Dijk Member, Administrator
    What an odd business model ... "we want to honor the loyalty of our existing customers"?
    ... And therefore I assume Endor AG has no interest in attracting NEW customers and building their brand and reputation ?
    Perhaps it is my fault for discovering what appears to be a World class product that unless you had it before , you can't get ?
    I guess ignorance truely is bliss .... for all those lucky people who don't know they can't have one and don't realise when they order from Thrustmaster to get the best product that IS actually available to the general public ! Or I hand over a LOT of cash buying bits that are no use until I can get a BASE !
    A non Fanatec customer ( through no fault of my own .... )
    p.s. I just 'love' the video review with the piles of product boxes in the background and his boast of having BOTH wheelbase versions .. ( I assume for free due to his reviews ....? )
    It's not the case that new customers won't be able to buy the CSW v2. The invites are tradable so new customers for sure can get a v2 even with the €100 discount.

    The invites system was put up to deal with the limited current supply, until stocks are filled. Setting up some sort of email giveaway won't work, because you won't be able to tell who's getting the invites, whether one person is grabbing lots of invites through different email addresses to sell them later on etc. etc. 
    The only sensible way is to give people of whom you can be quite sure they're interested, i.e. existing customers, an invite for an upgrade. That way you make sure that a person gets only one invite. If that person is not interested, he can give away his invite to anyone else. That way you limit the amount of pre-orders as long as stock isn't ready for all demand, but both existing and new customers can buy it.
  • Hi, 

    I need a code for the USA market, I will really appreciate your help!

    I am the GT Academy winner 2014!!! and I would like to prepare for Dubai! 



  • Why the cost of the wheel base is now 524?I was willing to purchase for 499 wtf!
  • Why the cost of the wheel base is now 524?I was willing to purchase for 499 wtf!
    Ernesto will you sell me your code for ? or helping me ? I am the International GT Academy Champion 2014 and I need to train!! 
  • Most people need a code first. The fanatec should provide a more solid production plan and release the code to most people asap.
  • The funny(or sad) thing is - when ~20min ago logged in to pre-order the base v2, discount price was up from 499eur to 529. Firs I failed to believe and refreshed the site. After refreshing the discount was gone completely. Now the pre-order price is full 599eur.
    Since when the only "privilege" of crediting Endorf AG for 3 or so months a full product price can be considered "we want to honor the loyalty of our existing customers"?

    Am I missing something here? I don't remember Logitech, thrust master, or anyone else (frex or Ecci... Lolol) for that matter offering any sort of loyalty discount. Rather, you would just have to get in line with the rest of the people buying 20 units to hawk on eBay and Craigslist for retail plus 10%. If you wanted the original, generous, 20% discount... Methinks you should have taken advantage while it was available.
    What I am saying is... The invite had a sundown date of 10/10/14. Ordering after this date, I assumed, would cost full retail.
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