Shipping question

My order is now showing that everything is available to ship Aug 6th (yesterday) except for the loadcell pedals which cay Dec 1899, How can i get the stuff thats ready to ship shipped and the LC kit when its ready?


  • Hi Christopher.

    There is currently no option for requesting partial shipments. So your order will ship once everything is in stock.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • damn, ok thank you for responding

  • This is garbage considering stuff comes in and out of stock at different times. I’m not convinced that Fanatec is gathering available items as they are available. I’m in the same boat you are but when I check my order online says all parts availability was on or before August 7. I suspect I’m waiting on the load cell pedal despite it saying it’s availability was August 7 in my order. Been trying to reach out with no success.

  • Hi

    in the order there are 7 packages, today ups you sent me the tracking numbers but 6 packages
    because it can be
    because the 7 are not there

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