V3 Inverted Pedals not Recognized by CS V2.5 Wheelbase...

edited January 2020 in Pedals


My V3 Inverted Pedals went dead in iRacing while in a session. I had them plugged into my Club Sport v2.5 wheelbase, but now they're missing from everything. I plugged them into the USB and they're working again, but I've lost all the functionality in the wheel and being able to adjust the Brake Force setting is gone too. I replaced the module underneath the pedals and it worked fin for about 2 days and then th.ey went out again. I had a friend that woads on electronics look at the first board and he said the RJ12 jack, which I thought ws the problem, was fine and he sees no burnt connections of that module.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the latest drivers again of today (Jan.11 2020) and still nothing.Could there be a problem with the load cell needing to be cleaned? Are there sensors inside that need maintenance? not sure how they could work via USB if that was the problem, but I'm stumped here!!

I have....

Fanatec Driver 352

Fanalab 1.32

Wheelbase - 668

Thanks in advance!!



  • edited January 2020

    I would first go back to driver v347 and Fanalab v1.12. Driver v352 is for Podium bases and not really suited for the Clubsport base.

    If you are back on v347 also update all firmware of your devices and also connected pedals via USB and update firmware with the version in the v347 drivers. After that connected them again to your base and don’t forget to unplug USB pf the pedals.

  • Hmmm ok. I saw that the 352 driver worked for all the wheelbases, but maybe I missed something. I'll try rolling back to the drivers I was already using. Everything software and hardware is up to date, including but not limited to Windows 10, iRacing, Nvida drivers, all Fanatec gear, Oculus, and anything else pertaining to racing as that is the only thing I use this computer for. I check for updates every week hoping that one might fix my issue! LOL

    I appreciate your suggestion!

    If this doesn't work (I'm also having Oculus "Black Screen" Lock-ups during racing) then I'm going to have to uninstall everything except Windows and reinstall them all one at a time again. Other than that I'm out of answers. Then I'll have to buy something other than an MSI computer.

  • I rolled back to driver 311 and I believe the Firmware was 130. Everything is still not working. I did however find something else. When I have the pedals plugged into the wheelbase and I go to the Fanatec Wheel Property Page It shows 2 Wheel base 2.5 controllers (that's normal) but no Pedals. If I click on "Advanced" it gives ma a warning that I need to reconnect my wheel. When I have the pedals plugged in via USB, the pedals show up in the Fanatec Property Page and I get the window to adjust the Min>Max settings. If I click on one of the Wheel bases and then click on "Advanced" it just closes the game controller window. I don't get the page for the wheel with all the buttons you can test to make sure they're working. That doesn't show up at all. I'm starting to wonder if it's a wheelbase issue instead?

    Your thoughts?

    I'll start looking at the wheel base threads now.

  • Remco Van DijkRemco Van Dijk Member, Administrator
    edited January 2020

    In the Fanatec Wheel Properties Window, you should press the Properties button to get to the wheel overview and functions testing, not the Advanced button.

    If you connect your pedals to the wheel base, the pedals will not show up in the Wheel Property page as a separate device because now the pedal axes are part of the output of the wheel base. When you go to the wheel base Properties page (either one), pressing the pedals should show you pedal output.

  • You're right, I meant to say Properties. It closes down when I click the properties button, and yes I understand that they're separate when the pedals are plugged into the USB. It has to be the wheel that has an issue!

  • Remco Van DijkRemco Van Dijk Member, Administrator

    It could also be some issue with the driver, did you try a complete uninstall, PC restart, driver install, PC restart to see if that fixes it?

  • Yes, all the simple stuff I've done. Talking with Fanatec now. It might be cable damage from installing the Brake Performance kit. The insulation isn't damages, but the cable is flattened a little right behind the post that holds that part to the pedals so we're testing for that now.

  • Aaron ScottAaron Scott Member
    edited January 2020

    this guy too maybe, but if u search this forum, its pretty common but with all pedals, even csl elite pedals.

    My brakes have been wierd too, but it started when my dd1 for ps4 showed up?

  • I just bought the main board for the CSW V2.5, the board for the V3 Inverted pedals, a new RJ12 cable, and also a new rumbler motor for the brake pedal. Fanatec said that should fix the issue, which seems to be a pinched brake cable from adding the performance brake kit. I'll do the work myself so I don't have to ship the wheel base and pedals to them and pay the shop $70/hr for the labor, plus shipping both ways. Probably saving myself $200-300! I'll let you all know how it goes. If any of you added the performance kit, check that wire for the rumble motor and see if you smashed it at all. It may have shorted out the RJ12 jack in your wheelbase, causing the pedals not to register to the wheel.

  • I just did the same thing and had the exact same problem..i just had to take my morot off the pedal box and it works fine....new motor incoming (..coulda been worse though)😑

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