New CSW Sags to the left

Just got this all setup. Installed the drivers, restarted my pc, plugged in and turned on my CSW, updated all the firmware 

Wheel base is 674

Motor firmware is 22

Plugged in my steering wheel, led said “CAL” so I did what it says to do in the quick guide and tried center calibrate it, but it didn’t seem to do anything. Tried going into settings and hitting “wheel center calibration” nothing seemed to happen either. Help? I noticed even when I received it, the hub was not straight. It’s keeps sagging to the left.

Here’s a video:


  • edited August 2020

    Hi Ramiro,

    This looks normal to me.

    The video shows that when the wheel is off centre, the driver was reading '-5', so I assume the centre calibration is working (when you actually hold the wheel at centre, it should be showing '0'). You can test the centre calibration feature by holding it a significantly different angle while you press the two calibration buttons together, and you'll see the numbers jump.

    There is no 'centre spring' effect applied when the wheel base is powered on and connected to a PC. So it should just sit at any angle you leave it at. Only when you are receiving an FFB signal from a sim should you receive a centring effect (and this may only occur at higher speeds - low speed / stationary behaviour can vary wildly between physics engines). This 'sagging' should not be particularly noticeable when driving.

    As for why it might be doing this - it is likely because the wheel base belt/pulley system has been sitting in that slightly offset position for a long time (since production), going through significant temperature changes during storage and shipment. The rubber of the belts can conform to the shape of the pulleys, resulting in a temporary 'lump'. It wants to return to that position because the CS V2.5 mechanism is very smooth with very low mechanical resistance/friction.

    The more you use the wheel, the more this behaviour will fade (and should eventually completely disappear). It's also helpful to avoid leaving the wheel in this position when you're not using it. I suggest leaving the wheel in a different position each time.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

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