Pattern-mode v1.5 gone

Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
edited March 2020 in Fanatec Other

Dear reader,

While racing I noticed my pattern-mode was gone. It only registered SEQ-input. After opening the shifter I noticed one of the cables on the bottom has come loose from the glue.

I tried to re-heat the glue and apply the cable again, but it doesn't work. Does anyone of you had the same problem? I've already send a support-ticket to Fanatec a half hour ago for a new black square and a cable with lots of glue, so I can take off the old cable and insert the new one.

However, I also want to try to fix it myself or trying to find a temporarily solution.

What kind of glue is it anyway? Silverglue?

Thank your for replying!



  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited March 2020

    So much glue <3 Mine had/has barely a 1/3 of those massive amount of glue. No wonder it went loose. That's probably also the reason why I had some misshifts lately cause it wasn't making proper contact anymore.

    Wish I knew what kind of glue it is so I could glue it back. Now I am waiting for my support. It's weekend so, yeah.. I am glad it still works in SEQ-mode. The shifter is only working half-strength now. 😯

  • It' is solder. Not glue.

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited March 2020

    Ohh, It looked and felt like glue. Then I will await Fanatec's support. I've no experience with solder.

    Edit: Perhaps its conductive adhesive.

    ''Patient, you must be.''

    • Yoda
  • edited March 2020

    It’s soldered and afterwards they put on some hot glue to fix the wires so they don’t get trapped in the mechanisme and also to put a little less stress on the bare wires with solder. Because they can be fragile.

    So if the wires have broken off of the switch you need to first re-solder them and afterwards apply some hot glue.

    Should be a fairly easy fix if you know how to solder 😊

  • Thank you. I think I know someone who can solder. I think it's easier if I buy a soldered + glued new wire and that black square-thingy and then send by letter-post or so. Re-bolt it, take out the current wire and insert the new one. Dont know bout the price, tho. Can't be expensive.

    Will contact that guy that knows how to solder and meanwhile wait the Fanatec Support.

    Thank you, Gagaryn and Pasqual.

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited March 2020
  • Had contact with the helpdesk. They gonna send me a spare part. Everything is going to be fine. Unless I fook it up. Good beginning of the week.

  • You'll still have the misshifts though.

    A "loose wire" would not cause misshifts - it would cause no shifts!

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited March 2020

    I've no idea. Used this opportunity to add some more lub here and there. Checked if the magnet is centered, and it was. Perhaps it's Emi and I need to tape the wires with electrical tape or so. I hope it's because the connection was sometimes 'flickering' cause I was slamming my gears and made me sometimes misshift. Really sometimes.

    At last I don't have a squeaky gate 4 anymore. Being positive is the key! Tomorrow I hopefully can slam my gears again <3

    Edit: Or perhaps I have to ground my rig. Already taking a look for a good cable so I can attach it to the radiator.

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited March 2020

    Oh it's working again. Thank you Fanatec Support + RMA-department. Gonna slam some gears in a hour or so. And I hope it will last years.

    I am really wondering why the connectors, those you plug into the pcb, were glued.

  • Because solder is used purely for electronic connectivity. The glue is there to provide mechanical strength - solder has poor mechanical strength. Electrical tape does not shield from EMI.

  • I mean the male connector you plug into the PCB. It was glued into the female port. Fanatec v2.0 shifter connector better uses clams or so instead of glueing the male connector into the female-connector. Haha.

    Yeah. I probably will buy a ground-cable and attach it to my rig and then to my radiator which is grounded into the earth. House is from 1982 or so.

    Have raced 1 hour with the pattern-mode yesterday. No misshifts. I am happy.

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