Slogan for CSL Elite Wheel Base and Pedals wanted! -UPDATE



  • Oh I didn't know that those were real quote's from people. But I'm sure words can't be patented in such ways, can they?
  • edited July 2016

    John Viel said:
    Congrats to J.W. and whoever else ends up getting selected as I feel they may use more than one, maybe not for this product but for future products.

    At risk of sounding bitter here, Armin, you may want to be careful using the quotes provided by j.w. van der plas as your slogan without citing the original. Not sure how that works in printing stuff like you plan to but the first one is a quote by Colin McRae and the second is a quote by Mario Andretti.
    Google tells all... i just googled the 2 quotes and they both come up and confirm that the above quoted post is true...the Slogans entered are not Original.... they are Slogans or Mantra's coined and used by both drivers Colin McRae and Mario Andretti.

    Edit: I don't know the law on this matter but because i was able to google Colin McRae quotes/mantra, Mario Andretti quote/mantra and Both sayings come up... it would be wise to investigate the legality using the quotes the US they Love to Sue for royalties if you use some one's material without permission....just ask Robin Thicke.

  • Quotes are considered intellectual property, which is protected under the law!
  • well, first of all, i didn't come up with 1:1 conversions.
    second of all they aren't registered at all.

  • Thats make

    the difference

    for real


    You see it

    You want it

    You have it

    You the best
  • Norman SackNorman Sack Member
    edited July 2016
    yeah but if one is a real quote it may by chance
    but two quoutes from real drivers
    I'd would say that's a conincidence

    maybe you heard them somewhere and didn't know that they are from real drivers
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    Thomas, when's the big announcement ???? We're dying to see and buy the base and pedals !!!!!
  • Bueller..........

  • edited July 2016
    Great to see new products on the way. You made me very curious about them. Any news on the release? We are getting exited.....aren't we simracers?
  • Well,, the csl p1 wheel text has been changed to blue.. That's something.
  • Jeremy MullinJeremy Mullin Member
    edited July 2016

    I just hope to god we are allowed to have AUTO CLUTCH like on the Crapmaster TX, and on Forza 4. For me this is simply a must.
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    Then you just have to buy Crapmaster. Firmware will not be written to have auto clutch in any future... So asking for it is absolutely useless
  • Why is that? It doesn't make sense to have paddles and not be able to activate the clutch.
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    Because you can do this in game settings in both PCars and FM 5/6.
  • Jeremy MullinJeremy Mullin Member
    edited August 2016
    Change to semi automatic transmission? Unfortunately this gives you a penalty in Forza. Being able to hold both paddles in and having it like the clutch was pushed in was very nice and this is a feature that some cars do have. It basically leaves you the option in Forza to receive a time penalty in anything that is not prototype class. I would never buy a crapmaster, but I also don't have a v2 b/c of the auto clutch and I was living in too small of a place around the time they came out. For me it's just too much money to pay for a half solution for a feature that existed 5? years ago on my cheaper product csr elite, the difference being a simple software solution. 
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    edited August 2016
    Forza was made by controller guys, for controller guys. Forza 5 and 6 even aren't worth the money anymore imo now that I felt some real FFB on PCars and coming Assetto Corsa. Add the lack of community and fixing some serious issues to it, that made me turn my back on FM franchise. And think about this...because T10 found it necessary to penalize you to use your paddles, even on cars that shift that way in real life and you feel it's Fanatecs 'duty' to fix that. Because if not, you feel it's not worth your money to buy a V2 or coming CSL E base....
  • So I have a question regarding the CSL elite. Is it going to a tier above or below the csw? I want an upgrade for the csw v1. I'm not happy with the v1 anymore and the pedal set has died on me. So, should I wait or buy the csw v2 and clubsport v3?
  • Thats how I feel about Pcars. I switched to it and gave up Forza for my league racing until Forza 6 released. Unfortunately the game was downright awful for quite a long while. I also still feel the off track physics are broken but most important to me the path other cars around you take when cornering looks like an arcade game from the late 90's where the cars don't appear to track out or follow the line of an actual car. 

    While it may not seem worth it to you anymore Forza still has large numbers of people playing compared to the other franchises. On top of this the wheel is designed / marketed to XBOX ONE so it ought to provide the same functionality as the peripheral it's replacing, not less. Assetto seems neat I've only played it briefly on a terrible setup, but it has few tracks and will never retain a player base like Forza on the Xbox. Unfortunately numbers are whats needed for everyone here including Fanatec. My point is I have no desire to buy a half measure that in my regular usage will have less functionality than ECSR Elite / F4 and it makes it incredibly frustrating knowing it's likely a tiny software change that can be turned on in the firmware. 

    I myself am more interested in playing Assetto, however I still require being able to play with my friends on Forza.
  • Once you Have your Pcars FFB set up correctly you will Never Play Forza Again with a wheel!!! You would realize Forza is a Game Best Played with a Controler... The Wheel Feel and Car Physics in Forza are Horrible!!!
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    Also...FFB protocol for X1 is terrible. There are missing 3 wheel menu option settings less for X1 too. Fact is...the majority that plays Forza uses a controller and it's the way to play with a controller. And the ones that tried PCars with controller gave up because it was build for a wheel. I still feel difference in PCars FFB between the X1 and PS4. I get close in matching it...but not the same. PS4 FFB is much much smoother!
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    @Gert Jan, going just by the name of the new base Club Sport Light or Lite it suggest to be a tier below the V2. But I think it wouldn't hurt to wait a little longer to know price vs quality vs looks to decide, right ?
  • That is what I thought but I don't want to go a step down. I even thought about going direct drive (but its to expensive for me at the moment). Looks aren't that important to me, up to a point of course. I can't race currently because of the broken pedals and I don't feel like spending money to fix them. So waiting is an option but you know what soon can mean at Fanatec. ;)
    So an official answer on the question above or below CSW wil make my decision an easy one. I might wait anyway if soon means really soon off course.
  • Chris  BrosharChris Broshar Member, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, Beta Tester _0x0003, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester
    edited August 2016
    CSL E will be just a bit down from CSW IMO. CSW is Fanatec's flagship model. If they plan to replace it they will let us know.
  • According to all past info is this wheel will give a cheaper option that is still probably leagues beyond the available options for xbox without paying big bucks for the v2. As Antoine state the FFB i known to be pretty weak for XBOX one, my guess is a cheaper wheel will work just as well and cost quite a bit less.

    I don't understand how anyone got the idea this new wheel will replace the v2? Thats ridiculous. 
  • A replcement for the V2 isn't wat we should expect IMO and no body stated that here. There was talk (rumor) about Fanatec possibly making a direct drive wheel, hence my question about the new wheel being a tier above or below the V2. Al the other cheaper wheels are gone from the site for a while now so it's logical to expect a cheaper base (hopefully with the same quick release as the V2). 
    We will see what comes out the pipeline.
  • Wonder when Bueller will come through with the update. Does anybody know if this wheel is actually developed yet or more like a 1-2 years down the road thing.hehe
  • Antoine GoossensAntoine Goossens Member, DD Beta Tester
    Thomas Jackermeier said:


    You are amazing!!!

    The feedback is overwhelming and there was a lot of great feedback! We have chosen the two winners and notified them but there will be probably more winners as we would like to use more of those slogans on future giftboxes. Of course you will also get the CSL Elite wheel.

    Production starts next week and if everything goes smoothly we plan to put it in our webshop soon.
  • So that "next week" has to have come and gone already, but since the UPDATE is not dated, it's hard to pin down a timeframe.  People seemed to have started commenting on it about the middle of July, which is approaching a month ago now.  Sure am anxious to get some details on this unit.  Maybe "soon" . . .
  • Well, fanatec just posted on fb something about testing their new equipment at an event at the 15th of september.
  • Zsolt CsókZsolt Csók Member
    edited August 2016
    Pedal set:

    The pressure
    Your feet!

    is where
    comes from

    Race on!


    the real
    of the road!

    No one
    see you
    in the mirror


    the sense
    of speed
    and control!

    the last
    bit of

    now on
    it's just
    up to you!
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