Button mapping and button caps!

Hey everyone! Newbie here! I just got a Fanatec CSL eSport F1 steering wheel, and I was wondering if anyone would be so nice to point me to a few button configurations for it! I've been playing with a controller my whole life, I'm a bit disoriented on what's the best combination for it!

Also, given the chance, I've also purchased the additional caps with the stickers, and I'd love to see a few examples on how other people put them together with their steering wheel!



  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester
    edited April 2020

    This is very personal on how everyone maps the buttons. Depends on which game and cars you like to run. I have some standard buttons mapped for all games like Headlights,Wipers,Camera view,Display,etc the others are based on what can be mapped in game.

    The buttons caps and stickers are a very recent release so it might be tough finding examples. The photos on the product page do show some options and you can always visit the Fanatec Reddit.

  • I'm playing F1 2019 on PS4.

    I've mapped the left shoulder buttons from left to right as: DRS, ERS-, Fuel-

    I've mapped the right shoulder buttons from right to left as: Look Back, ERS+, Fuel+

    I've mapped the left thumb button as Radio (or whatever the menu for the pitwall is called)

    I've mapped the right thumb button for the MFD.

    The right stick is the d-pad.

    Seems that pushing the right stick always matches the right thumb button, so it also is for the MDF.

    The following aren't recognized and programable: left stick directions, left stick press, right stick rotary.

  • Hi! I cant seem to configure the MFD buttons on my Club Sport Steering Wheel. While configuring the controls, the MFD buttons are defined as arrow signs. But not the buttons on the wheel seems to respond to that.

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