F1 2018 - PS4 - CSL e WB - formula wheel V2

Hi all,

I recently bought the CSL Elite Racing Wheel Base for PS4 and the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2 (CSLElite pedals too.)

I'm playing F1 2018 for now (planning to buy 2020 though) on PS4

And I have some issues "unlocking" all the buttons (mainly the rotaries and thumb switches. The flag LED too btw) I made some digging on forums (here but also on codemaster's.)

I know at first it wasn't supported on PS4 and even ingame but it looks like some people since some update from the game and from the firmware fanatec can now play with all the functionalities the wheel has to offer.

My problem is... I can't find anything online to help me ... No one explains how they get there (I saw three forums threads ended with answers like "It finally worked thanks" but nobody said how they did it... Found a video well explained but the guy was on Xbox so, not quite the same result with me.

To be more precise, my wheel base is up-to-date with the lastest drivers and firmware and my wheel V2 seems updated too.

When i'm connecting it to the PC all the buttons works and are highlighted in the controller settings but when i'm trying to plug the USB on my ps4 and launch F1 2018 the game doesn't recognize the switches, thumb rotaries,...

The funky switch, the six buttons aside the REV LED (how works too) and the gear paddle works fine.

Any help would be appreciated because I don't even know where the problem is. Is it from the game (too old, not compatible with the V2 wheel, Is it from the wheel base (not able to send info from the game to the wheel...) Is it just the PS4 that cannot map any others buttons. Anyway, if someone have an idea feel free to share !

And if I have to wait for F1 2020, to play properly so be it, i'm not planning on changing my gear I just love my setup as it is and that V2 wheel is just a blast !

Thanks in advance, cheers, take care


  • Maurice BöschenMaurice Böschen Member, CSL E RP1 PS4 beta tester, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester

    MPS, Thumb-Encoders and FlagLEDs are not working on that old game because Codemasters didnt implemented that features. They work only in F1 2019 and very likely in the upcoming F1 2020 game but there is no way to get these features working in F1 2018 on console.

  • ho ok, it was what I doubted ! I thought they updated F1 2018 too.

    So I will just have to wait 2 months to put my hands on F1 2020

    Thanks a lot for the precision, have a nice day

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