NEW: Racing controller for Apple's iGame console announced - Feedback wanted!

Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester

We are proud to announce that Fanatec is making the official controller for the new iGame console which has been finally confirmed today and will be released in early 2011.

Although the new console has more power than any other console on the market, it is a portable device. Therefore we designed a new wireless Force Feedback handheld controller with motion sensors. 

We also make use of iGame's spectatcular head mounted 3D display.

The new controller will be launched with the game RealTrack in exactly one year so I cannot announce all details at the moment. RealTrack will allow you to scan your environment while driving in a car and immediatly play on the tracks you created.

Pricing is not confirmed yet but please let me know what features and pricing you want to have in this controller as we are still very early in the development phase.


EDIT: I made a mistake with the release date. It will probably be April 1st 2031

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