Shipping status PWGT2

Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester

We have started to ship the wheel!

The first customers will receive it in the USA but we also received the first shipments in EU this week and will start shipping before Christmas.

Unfortunatly the first batch was very small so it was not enough to fullfil all open orders and many customers will still need to wait until January to receive the wheel.

But the quantity for January is not too big as well so please place your order in time.

Please do not contact our sales team because they are already flooded with emails and this can even cause further delays.

You will be notified by email as soon as the product has been shipped to you.

PS: We still have that bug in our websop system that you only get a confirmation email from PayPal and not from us but we did receive your order if you received a confirmation of Paypal.


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