Pricing of ClubSport Wheel series

Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester

As we are getting the final manufacturing cost I can confirm the final pricing of the ClubSport Wheel series.

Prices are as usual in Euro with VAT included and in USD without sales tax.

ClubSport Wheel Base: 449,95

BMW GT2 rim: 249,95

Formula rim: 179,95

This is just the beginning so there will be much more rims coming up at a lower and higher price. Pricing for Japan, Australia and Canada will be announced at a later date.

We are considering to fly in some wheels so this would increase cost a bit but we need to get final quotations for airfreight first.



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