Introducing the Formula rim for CSR Elite

Thomas JackermeierThomas Jackermeier Guest, Member, Administrator, Moderator, Betatester, Beta tester 0x02CA--0x0001, RMcL BT, CS SWFORM V2 Beta test, DD Beta Tester
edited August 2016 in Blog

A lot of CSR Elite owners want to make use of the function to change the wheel rim on their wheel.

Therefore we developed the formula rim for the CSR Elite wheel. 


This wheel rim is only available separately and as an add-on for the Forza Motorsport CSR Elite wheel.

It features the same amount of buttons as the original wheel rim plus an additional 4-way joystick. Both joysticks have the same function on Xbox and PS3  but on PC it can be mapped with different functions.

The grips are made with artificial leather which is easy to clean and feel great.

Of course you will get the same robust metal construction and metal shifter paddles just like on the Formula rim for ClubSport Wheel. There is no quick release and the system is not designed to make rim changes very often. You need to unfasten two screws and unplug two cables so it is simple but it will take longer than the QR of the CSW. You also need to restart the wheel which means on PC you need to restart the game.

It is required to update the firmware of the base to make this rim work but this is not complicated if you just have a PC. 

The rim will be available in Q3 and sells for 179,95€ (inclusive VAT) in EU and 179,95 USD (excl. sales tax) in the USA.

It is the only additional wheel rim planned for the CSR Elite at this point. We will now fully concentrate to make additional wheel rims for the ClubSport wheel. 




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