Online sales follow up question

Hi guys,

I placed an order last Friday and paid with my credit card.  The order was charged to my credit card, it is still on it but the order does not appear in my list of orders and I never got any confirmation.

Without the order in my list it is hard to signal a problem to you guys.  I wrote early Monday to the websales address but without success. 

what is your turnaround time usually ?

Will my order get cancelled and I will need to order again ? now the price went up 100$, which for us is more $140.

Thanks for your help!



  • Joseph GossenJoseph Gossen Member, Moderator, DD Beta Tester, PHub Beta Tester, P BME beta tester
    Hi Patrick,

    You should receive a confirmation that support has received your inquiry. They will get back to you however it might take up to 48hours. 
  • Hi Patrick,

    You should receive a confirmation that support has received your inquiry. They will get back to you however it might take up to 48hours. 
    Yeah right.... I'm so discusted with your service I can't stand it. You people act like customers don't matter unless they're spending thousands of dollars. Been trying to get replacement parts for weeks.... Nobody answers emails! If I were you Patrick put your Fanatec stuff on ebay and forget about it
  • Hi Patrick,

    You should receive a confirmation that support has received your inquiry. They will get back to you however it might take up to 48hours. 
    Yeah right.... I'm so discusted with your service I can't stand it. You people act like customers don't matter unless they're spending thousands of dollars. Been trying to get replacement parts for weeks.... Nobody answers emails! If I were you Patrick put your Fanatec stuff on ebay and forget about it
    And btw.... Fanatec people.... You have anything to say to me... Put it in an email... Because I'm not logging into this site again!
  • Sorry for bring back this topic, i now know what a mess this Support Team 3 products today and After all the Steps my shopping Cart is still full with those items but hey they charge my creditcard. Try tomorrow to cancel those transaction..for a few seconds i was thinking of Do the Steps again..but Panic Came up that I might have the same Problem again wich means paying money and having the shopping Card still full and that would be a desaster (its already one because I save money for Week now to get these ) wrote several Mails today, to the german and englisch Support and maybe trying to call the Nummer of Landshut tomorrow (I eben consider of cancel my creditcard and get a New one)
  • God there’s some whiny babies on here. Crying about not getting an email fast enough. Wtf is this forum full of kids? Grow the hell up. Man the hell up. This company is going through major growing pains and expansion takes time. Coming on here and publicly embarrassing yourself isn’t going to solve anything. Entitled babies. You can always go back to a dustmaster. THEN-You can have a reason to complain. You won’t hear back from them any faster and you will go through 3 substandard plasticky overpriced wheels a year.
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